WBW Challenge No.2: #wearwhatyouwant

There’s a famous expression that goes: “the sexiest thing a woman can wear is confidence,” and I have got to agree. 

I didn’t quite get it before, although I would regurgitate it under a cute photograph here or there… you know, the ones where you really have no caption, but you want to say something witty so you inspirations quote the crap out of it? Yeah, those.

But I was obviously wrong.

But I never truly felt it. 

Until recently. 

It’s been about a year since I began this self-love journey. A beautiful year of letting go of things that once dictated how I felt about myself and are now distant memories of things I have overcome. 

Today, I can proudly say the quote above and believe it. And what has changed? I am heavier than I was when I would say it meaninglessly. I am older and less fit too. In fact, I had many more reasons to say it back then. Yet, it’s my truth now. 

And so many women praise this new confidence. So many of you beautiful readers ask me how I do it or congratulate me on it as if it were some kind of holy grail. As if it wasn’t something we all have. And now it all seems so silly. All the thoughts I used to have.

And it came from acceptance. It came from looking at myself in the mirror and saying positive things. From self doubt to believing in myself. From hate to love. It came from being as kind as I was with others to myself. And slowly but surely it worked. 

High cut bikini? Hell no. But here I am in swim week.

For heaven’s sake, I hated myself so much that I would look at the way other women dressed and think I could never wear that. It would look silly on such a large body. Everything looks cute on shorter, skinnier women. But not on girls like me. 

As I started to love myself, I started to become more daring. I’ve become more bold and more adventurous in the way that I dress. I now wear things that I never thought I could because they didn’t go with my body type. I’m slowly learning that if I think it looks good, and I feel confident wearing it, others will perceive it as I do. 

When I was insecure about my body, that feeling was carried across to those around me. 

Tucked in tops with high waisted pants? Big no, and now it’s a staple.

Now, I simply do what makes happy, and I feel beautiful. 

It’s had a learning curve and loving myself hasn’t been easy, but it has been worth it. And although I wish I knew then what I know now, I’m glad I got here before it was too late. 

So this month I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. Wear something you feel you shouldn’t wear or something you think is not made for your body type. Who cares? If it makes you happy, it’s going to look great. And please tag me in it!! 

And as usual, love yourselves babes… forever and always.

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