Walter Mercado Exhibit at HistoryMiami Museum

“Mucho, mucho amor,” three words that have the power to take us back in time. Whether it was waiting for the daily horoscope with abuela while watching Univision or finding out what color candle to light for a prosperous new year on el 31, very few of us can get away from the memory of this extravagant personality.

The moment he called me a goddess;)

Personally, he takes me back to a magical age, where he played an important role. As a child, I was fascinated with the mystical stories of wizards; from Merlin and Madge to Harry Potter to Charmed, magic was big in the 90s and the early 2000s. And Walter was a part of that. A real life fortune teller who held all of our futures in his gold-ring adorned fingers. 

For years, Walter has lived on in our memories, our memes, our childhoods… and just like the live actions of the Disney movies that shaped our childhood, Walter’s big appearance at the HistoryMiami Museum was something I was not prepared to miss. 

Holding my sister, Diane’s, hand

Decked in head to toe with a velvet jumpsuit, because Walter, and with gold jewelry of my won (including a Virgo necklace), I made my way to the HistoryMiami museum for a reception fit for a king. 

And he did not disappoint. A king he was. He made his entrance draped with one of his famous capes and on a gold throne that seemed to hover amidst the crowd. People pushed and shoved to hold his hand or snag a kiss. I was fortunate enough to have a moment to myself with him. 

Walter on his epic throne

I said, “Walter soy virgo.” And he said, “Eres una diosa.” 

I mean, if he said it, it’s fact. 

Bow down, mere mortals. 

August 1st, 2019 is not a day I will soon forget. It’s like I’ve been blessed. 

But the best part is that this iconic exhibit will be around for another 22 days. So pencil in a chance to see the beautiful capes and other Walter paraphernalia because are you even a Miami kid if you don’t? 

The exhibit will run through August 25th at the HistoryMiami museum. 

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