Go to #theAmparoexperience While You Still Can!

You heard me! Buy tickets now.

Did you go if you didn’t copy the poster pic?

I know it seems like a splurge, but it’s so worth it.

Parking is included and so are delicious drinks, so right there you’re saving about $60, if not more.

This is amazing. I had 4 lol

But that’s not what’s important here. What’s important is that Miami finally has a fascinating production that is unlike anything I have ever seen artistically here.

It’s a theater show and a cathartic experience. It’s a party at a great night club with a live band. It’s a voyage through time and across the Atlantic and into your deepest feelings if you’re Cuban (and maybe if you aren’t too).

It’s brilliantly written and perfectly executed.

And it’s ours.

It’s something that wouldn’t make as much sense or impact anywhere else. Something that we can see and feel on a different level, and it’s beautiful.

With the lead actor: Ramon (Rene Granado)

It is the story of Amparo and her husband, or easily about the millions of Cubans who lost everything, told through a household name in the world of Cuban rum: Havana Club.

The real Amparo was at the show too!

You’ll dance, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll even be a part of the show, but most importantly, you’ll never forget it.

With Roberto Torres who sang at the cocktail hour

If you don’t go to any other show this year, go to Amparo. Support our Miami theater like you’d support a broadway show or a Beyoncé concert.

You won’t regret it. I promise.

And a poem I wrote in its honor:

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