WBW challenge #3: find your happy!

The Power of a Smile

Sometimes I feel like crap, and it’s such an overwhelming feeling that it takes over me and you can literally see it on my face. I even forget to smile — which doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is. It’s huge. I’ve learned that a smile is really worth a thousand words. It’s power is not only contagious, but it has an almost unstoppable inertia when it comes to our mood — much like laughter. I dare you to try to continue being upset while you smile. It’s difficult, and I love it.

I hope you’re smiling by now.

I learned to smile in spite of everything as a kid, often to hide my true feelings. However, soon, I learned that after smiling for a while, my smile was real. I was happy for no reason, so I began to apply it as a rule. And before I knew it, I was happy — all the time.

We may just be one smile away from happiness.

Now, I find myself constantly smiling. Even when I’m angry, I try to smile (which is sometimes annoying because people don’t believe I’m really upset).

I have found that a genuine smile goes a long way. As a traveler (even more a solo traveler), I have seen the impact a smile can have across cultures — even ones we may not be comfortable around. When I’m lost, and I am looking for help, a smile let’s a stranger know I am not a threat. A smile can also let someone know that I am having a good time in any language.

It’s a symbol of peace in a world full of turmoil.

Although it may be difficult at times and frowns may seep through, I try my best to smile — even in the face of adversity. For me, it has been therapeutic.

Smiling takes up so much space that there is little room left for hate.

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