Love the NOW-you

Life is too unpredictable to waste time being sad or worried over silly things.

My chunky self having the time of her life

And one of those things is the number on a scale or the size of our jeans!!!

I’ve said this so many times before, and I will say it again:

Live the moment!!!

Don’t allow a number to ruin your right now. If you don’t like the way you look, you can slowly make changes to fix it. But don’t let that hinder your fun; don’t let it turn a perfectly happy moment into a miserable one.

We might not be here tomorrow <~ this is not just a cliché phrase, it’s true.

So wasting our valuable time and lives wishing we were someone else or looked another way is, well, time wasted.

And with summer coming up, I hear so many of my friends talking about being being bikini-ready—and most of them are really stressed about it. Honestly, it’s May and being fit doesn’t happen over night, so let’s embrace the journey.

I’m not one of those people who will encourage you to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

I believe in trying our best to eat food that nourishes our body and lengthens our lives.

I believe in being active for both our physical and mental health.

I believe in trying as much as we can to make sensible choices for our health MORE than for our appearance.

But it’s important to remember that each of us has a different body constitution and different needs and wants, and that each of our journeys is different. All I’m saying is that I’m going to have the dessert if I really want it, whether it fits my body goal or not. And I’m not going to beat myself up over it. I’ll try to workout or maybe not have dessert tomorrow, and I’ll be fine. Maybe it will take me 2 years to lose 20 pounds, and that’s ok because I’ll be happy during those two years.

Each one of us has to assess our desires and set realistic expectations. Then, we have to fall in love with ourselves at every stage. Love the NOW you for who she is. So many of the things I have accomplished and have been proud of in my life have been accomplished by the fatter me. And that’s wonderful!

Imagine if I had wasted time sulking over my weight instead of LIVING or instead of going after my dreams!

Yes, I still wear bikinis!

It is important to try our best to remember that who we are is within us. I spent a considerable chunk of my life worried that I was fat, and that was over 40 pounds ago. The point is, once I stopped worrying and started focusing, my life changed.

I’m not perfect. Never have been, never will be… but I’m happy, and that’s good enough for me because my happiness is one of the things that matters most. And I can attribute that in part to self-love. It is one of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned, and while it isn’t easy, it’s rewarding. Every day, I have to remind myself that I’m ok just as I am and that if I want anything to change it takes time and effort. But that, in this very moment, sulking or feeling less worthy because of the way I looks isn’t ok.

Enjoy every day in every stage because life Is short. And often, we waste valuable moments being sad when we could be having the time of our lives!

Meanwhile, I still set small goals for myself. One of my current goals is to drink less (because wine is my biggest caloric intake and I know it’s not great to be binge drinking all time time). And I’ve been doing ok, except for last weekend— but it was a blast! Haha… see? Moderation! What’s a realistic goal you can set for yourself?

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