FACE, Facts About Cuban Exiles Roundtable with Nelson Albareda

Conference room filled with bright young minds eager to learn from a mentor.

We sat around a conference table in the 6th floor of the US Century bank building—not your typical meeting place for a cocktails and networking event. Little did we know that we were in for a spectacle; that the man at the head of the table was about to rattle the room.

Nelson Albareda, CEO of Loud and Live

After a short introduction by the former chairman of FACE, the CEO of Loud and Live took over. 

In a matter of minutes he had the room filled with laughter. The story of a young boy who knew nothing but had all the passion in the world moved us all. With a fake-it-til-you-make-it-attitude, Nelson Albareda went from teenage catastrophe to heading several successful event management and marketing production companies. And there was no doubt left in anyone that witnessed his story as to how this happened. 

The core values of Loud and Live

Nelson’s charm and wit oozed through a tale that encompassed a lifetime in under an hour. He engaged and inspired a room filled with young Cuban-American men and women looking to follow in his foot steps. 

Albareda telling his life story alongside the former chairman of FACE.

A board member of FACE (Facts About Cuban Exiles), an organization that strives to help the growing population of young Cuban-American leaders in Miami through mentorship, Nelson looks forward to helping the organization reach its full potential. He believes in the importance of mentorship and the power of community. 
Interested in becoming a part of events like these?

Join us. Join FACE. 

Meeting this inspiring business man and hearing his incredible story.

Special thanks to @artesmiami and @aidalevitan for the tickets to this marvelous event!

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