A Little Anxiety, A lot Busy


Most of you know me as a teacher. I dedicated over a decade to what is in my opinion one of the most beautiful professions there is. However, towards the end, so many things had changed that something I loved had quickly turned into a chore. I still loved my students, but something about the way things had shifted from the best interest of the kids to the best interests of the institution (and let’s forget that teachers exist or matter for that much) turned me off.

My pregnancy gave me the courage I had been lacking to change career paths. After all, I was driving 55 miles a day to slave away for peanuts in a position I felt was undervalued by society. In other words, I wasn’t happy. Am I done with teaching forever? Maybe not. But I was definitely overdue for a break and maybe some venturing into other fields.

Luckily, my husband completely supported me in my decision to stay home with our son and to test the waters in different fields for when I was ready for a full return. So I decided to try everything under the sun. Anything my little heart desired. And I have really gotten my feet wet in so many different waters that I’m on the verge of drowning— and I STILL don’t have any answers. I have liked some and hated some. I have seen some are worth really venturing into, while some are too exhausting to keep up. And that’s ok!  Financially, I have made about the equivalent to 50% my net monthly salary or more working much less than I did teaching, so there’s that. But it has not been consistent, some weeks I make more than others, and some nothing at all. But it has been interesting learning about different things that spark my interest. So I’m going to share some of my latest business ventures with you all! 

Tutoring: So I have tutored for most of my career, and it’s something I love to do. Since the baby was a couple of months old, I have been tutoring on and off. I have met some amazing kids while keeping my teaching skills sharp! This has been my greatest source of income in the last couple of months, also the most job-like!

Plus Modeling: This has been quite some fun. And while I have enjoyed it, it is more difficult than I anticipated. You have to be going to castings constantly to maybe get a job here and there. In essence it takes up a lot of time and has very little financial reward. I have had some hogs here and there, and I do enjoy it as a hobby 🙂

Influencer/Social Media Marketing : I’m combining two completely different things here, but since they both revolve around social media, I’m going to address them together. Influencer work has been fun as well. Like modeling, it is a fun hobby. I do see potential in making more of a career out of it but it does require a lot of time. This is a full time job even as a hobby. Planning outfits, taking pictures, thinking of captions, researching hashtags (especially now I the the “shadowban” where many hashtags are being blocked or banned). It has been great though getting free things or small commissions from my posts (ps: I’m still working with amazon so anything you need please shop the linkIn my bio!!!). The social media marketing has been helping other businesses work on their Instagram and helping them achieve growth. This has also been quite fun and has helped me keep busy when I haven’t had much of other types of work. However, I do feel I spend a lot of time on social media because of it. I have recently cut back and seen my engagement drop. I am definitely looking to organize myself and continue with this type of work, just with more of a battle plan. 
Author: I recently wrote my book and acted as my own publicist. This was also a dream come true but it was a lot of work. I’m still on the works of getting by book out to fairs and events, so it’s also a non-stop thing for me. 

Personal Assistant: Yes, even this. I have actually walked someone’s dog for them (for heaven’s sake). I am working with a couple of non-profit organizations and part of it is helping the chairperson with some personal errands. Hopefully, there will be more involvement with these non-profits, which is one of my goals! 

Secret Shopper: Shhh…it’s a secret. I do sometimes visit restaurants with a task other than eating at hand. I am one of those people, yes. Although it seems glamorous, it is a tedious job. There are lengthy reports and lots of note taking involved. Although I do love me some delicious food, so I’ll take it! 

Officiant: I marry people. I love it. It’s probably my favorite job. I have gotten to marry some of my best friends! I love writing their love stories and making beautiful ceremonies that they will never forget. Having a couple of people tell you that their special day was more special because I  was a part of it melts my heart. 


Wine distributor: Alright, so I haven’t officially begun this one yet, but I am excited. I love wine. Working with wine has always been a dream. I recently applied for my liquor vending license and will he started soon. So if you know someone who owns a restaurant and would like to take a look at some Spanish/Italian wines to add to the menu, let me know! I’ll soon be out and about selling vino… and I’ll update you on how I like that. It’s pretty much door-to-door sales, which I did many years ago when I sold jewelry… so I’m not new to it, but it can be a daunting task. Let’s see! 

And that’s the summary of my Jack-of-all-trades-ness. And it’s also one of the ways I deal with my anxiety—keeping really busy. Between that, my baby boy, my family, my friends and our social calendar, I barely even have time for myself.

Hopefully, 2019 will be a year I will learn to better organize myself and prioritize what’s best for me. Nevertheless, January was a free trial month; it was an extension to December with more celebrations than I could handle and even two trips. So I’m starting over in February!!! 

Ps: I forgot blogging! Which isn’t a job—yet! But I hope one day it will take off. I have also decided to make my blog more lifestyle and less mommy… so those changes will be coming soon! Thank you for sticking around and reading. Also thank you for your support 🥰

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