Playing catch up: What I haven’t told you since August Pt.1

Hey, y’all! So I have quite a bit to tell you. I have been gone for a while. Before my previous post, I hadn’t posted since August! And that’s quite a bit of time! The truth is that a lot happened in those couple of months! So I have a few stories to tell you and some catching up!

So August was a bit hectic. I wanted to get so much done. As many of you know, August is my birthday month, but I haven’t been in the birthday mood for a hot minute. Still, I refuse to be that person… you know, the one who loses interest in celebrating her birthday because, well, life… life beats us up sometimes, ya know?
A little history: before Achilles, birthdays were my jam. I had a birthmonth that pretty much began mid August and spilled over into September… I guess I took Virgo season literally. And I DO NOT regret it.
Anyway, last year was my big 30! I was supposed to have a blast my dirty thirty… but my big ol’ 38 week belly didn’t let me move much…even less celebrate. So my 30th birthday was sort of a flop (that was followed by a baby and a hurricane 5 days later—happy birthday to me)!
That’s my sick face…
That put the pressure on for this year. I was determined to do something super special, but life happened again. A few days before my birthday, I had a crazy muscle spasm that landed me in urgent care… and all the momentum I had accumulated for a fabulous birthday celebration dissipated… not to mention that I had to plan Achilles’ first birthday party (which happened to be on the same weekend I usually celebrate mine).
Just kidding… I still had 3 bday celebrations but not my usual 15 huge ones 🤣
How could I ask my family and friends to celebrate both of us? So I gave my big celebration up to celebrate the very special first year of my Grem!
My banana’s Coco themed birthday was adorable 😍
It was a success, and I was so happy. And I learned that celebrating him felt just as good as celebrating me… because he is a part of me… but don’t get me wrong. I will reclaim my birthday next year… we can take turns 🤣🤣
So that’s August… now on to…

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