We can’t all be happy all the time—a little motivational speech

Some days, I feel like I can’t even get out of bed, and I beat myself up because I shouldn’t feel that way. 

“C’mon! Stop being sluggish. Go! Get up! Move! Do something, you lazy bum. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re better than this,” I tell myself.

Then, other days, like today, I feel invincible…and I’m proud of myself. Proud of a mood. Seems silly, right? I woke up feeling like a tiger. Like I could take on the world, do another class of barre that kicked by butt on Wednesday and whatever else life throws my way.

But you know what I have realized? That it’s ok to feel both. We often put so much pressure on ourselves to be better that we forget to JUST BE. Setting the expectation to be happy all the time or to be active all the time or to be ANYTHING all the time, quite frankly, is impossible. We all go through ups and downs, and that’s natural. What’s unnatural is trying to force yourself to not have them. To be ON all the time…to be PERFECT.

Setting the bar at FALLIBLE and HUMAN, allowing ourselves to fail at times, to be lazy, to enjoy something we have been craving (even when it feels like we shouldn’t) is better than restricting ourselves indefinitely.

Happiness is much more accessible when we understand that it cannot happen all the time. That it’s momentary and fleeting, and THAT is part of what makes it beautiful.

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