My NEW “Going Out” Buddy

I often get asked how I do it… go everywhere with Achilles, that is.

And there is no magical answer. I mean, sometimes I feel like it’s part luck: I happened to mother a truly incredible tiny person. Other times, I’m sure it is because he’s used to it.

See, I have been hanging out with my miniature human since day 1. For heaven’s sake, he visited Disney on a girl’s trip to the food and wine festival before he was 2 months old.

And while I may seem fearless for toting around an infant everywhere I go, I’m not. But I’m also not a homebody by any means, and I felt caged after a month of being home, post baby AND hurricane IRMA.

So I guess you could say that I was much more afraid of NOT going anywhere than the dreaded going somewhere with a baby. I was terrified of being a prisoner in my own home.

Thus, in order to remain sane, I had to leave—although at first, it seemed impossible. In fact, I would usually ask someone to come along with me since I hadn’t gotten the hang of being alone…with him. But eventually, my new mom excuse lost its luster, and people stopped coming around as often. So I braved it.

For months (and I mean until the other day),  Achilles would cry (and I mean hysterically) every single time we got into a car. I tried everything, but after some time I had to learn to tune him out. I admit, I tried to keep distances under 20 minutes, but I would rather suffer a bit than stay home, bored out of my mind.

I also believe he would  behave much better out than he did at home, where at times I felt I was a slave. It was exhausting: breastfeeding him, rocking him, keeping him entertained at all costs—all day. Yet, when we were out, he seemed to be entertained by everything around us, AND he was exhausted by the time we got home.

Taking him out became my norm, and we both got used to it. I could change a diaper virtually anywhere in a matter of seconds, I learned to drive and give him a bottle simultaneously. I pushed his stroller while I fed him those squeezable baby meals. And at restaurants, I’d let him taste whatever I was eating. He became my partner in crime. My mini bestie. Just the two of us is enough.

It’s been almost 11 months and nothing has changed. He’s been to Orlando twice and even made his debut plane ride. I really do feel I can take him anywhere I go, and I’m not afraid at all anymore.

I’m glad I made him a part of every part of my life, even if it was a little more difficult. I think in the long run, it will pay off. And I hope it’s just the beginning of instilling in him a thirst for adventure!


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